Why the unpublished official portrait of Princess Leonor arrives with a two-month wait

Days before last October 31, when the center of Madrid was wallpapered with photographs of the Princess Eleanor, we wondered if Casa Real would distribute new images of the heiress on the occasion of her coming of age. Collector's coins were even minted with her portrait. But not. No trace or clues as to when that pose would be launched. That autumn day the Princess of Asturias starred in an impressive sprint final act that was crowned in Congress with the swearing in of the Constitution. We continued without the pose. Because?

This week the King's House shared the typical Christmas of these dates and all predictions were fulfilled. The chosen photo of Felipe VI, Letizia and her daughters, unpublished, belonged to the series of the oath of the Magna Carta. He does not give the House a stitch by reminding us of the importance of that historic ceremony in the Palace of the Cortes as a symbol of the permanence and continuity of the head of the State. Furthermore, one of the very few photos from that day 31 was chosen in which we see Mrs. smiling and relaxed. She leans on the princess, whose body language conveys unbreakable union. Mother and daughter, in front of the cameras, are one and the same. Photo below, Christmas at the King's House.

Coincident or not, the House this week returned again to the oath of the Magna Carta for the new portrait of the Princess of Asturias. Same event, same effect. The chosen official pose belongs, like Christmas, to the swearing series. The daughters of the Kings look at the camera. They are in one of the rooms of the Royal Palace. They go with her looks: the heiress's impeccable snow-white tailored suit, custom-made by Serna, which gives her that minimal, urban and new-age image; and the infanta's country-cape dress, from the Erdem brand, which included an echo message (it was rented).

When the chosen scenario marks everything

The new official position has been waiting for almost two months. Because? The two new portraits, which replace those that appeared on the official website, could have been sent earlier. The aim is always to promote a shared space between Leonor and Sofía, for the two to appear together and share the spotlight. Balance and union are sought. However, the focus that the Princess of Asturias has is not the same as that of her sister. This is so. Therefore, we return to the starting point. Why were the photographs from that day chosen? The chosen scenario marks everything. It was Leonor's transcendental ceremony, which symbolizes the fullness of her institutional role as successor to Felipe VI. It has been the moment of her year. She was the nuclear protagonist and in this pose she is also the protagonist due to her status as his heir.