why he breaks his word

El Manantial has gone on sale. It is one of the best houses in all of Mallorca and, according to real estate experts, in all of Europe. With 6,000 square metres available, a paddle tennis court, a swimming pool and seven bedrooms, it is on the market for 35 million euros. It was built by the father of Ana Obregon in 1969 and turned it into a family refuge where both the actress and her siblings keep indelible memories, a paradise that Count Lequio’s ex promised to her son Alessbefore her death in May 2020 from Edwing’s Sarcoma, never to sell. However, the interpreter has decided to break her promise and she has reasons to do so.

Obregón’s closest circle assures that El Manantial has a huge emotional charge for the entire family but its maintenance is very complicated, especially when none of the brothers resides on the island: “It’s a lot of money. You have to agree on who goes, who takes care of the maintenance… There are three plots.” In fact, since the death of their parents, the siblings have shared the stay in the family mansion for two weeks: “It is true that this summer it seemed like a hotel and every two weeks one of the siblings arrived. It has lost that essence of family unity,” they say from Sonsoles’ program. “The main reason is that parents are missing and summers are no longer as family-oriented and they will not be.”

But this would not be the only reason. “In Ana’s case, there is an economic part because she has a minor for whom she is fully responsible and it is important for her to receive the part that corresponds to her.”they say. The decision to sell El Manantial has been especially hard for the actress, not only because of the promise she made to her son before she died but because it was here that she finished writing Shrewsthe book that tells the story of her battle against the disease.

In fact, in July 2023, Ana sent an emotional message to Aless from this house in which she showed how important this place had been for her son and how difficult it was for her to return: “Another summer here in Mallorca, in your favorite paradise, El Manantial, the house where every corner holds a thousand images of you, and your laughter continues to flood every room with light. Forgive me if the tears are still red, although sometimes your daughter Anita manages to make me hold a little piece of heaven in my arms, a little piece of you.” Pain, the third reason that led Ana to break the promise she made to her son. Surely he would understand.

A gem in Mallorca

The family mansion of ‘Antoñita la Fantástico’ is located 70 kilometres from Palma and 20 from Manacor, an area where famous faces such as Agatha Ruiz de la Prada and Carlos Sainz also spend their summers. Beyond all its luxurious facilities, such as a swimming pool or paddle tennis court, the mansion has a large terrace with spectacular sea views. As if this were not enough, the property has a private well for drinking water, space for a helicopter to land and a docking point on the pier.

It was put on the market for 35 million euros, but the real estate portal that manages the sale has removed the price from the advertisement due to the media uproar after the news broke. Now, they indicate that the price is negotiable, and experts say: “It could reach 40 million.”
