“Whoever comes for our players must pay”

The sports director of Osasuna, Braulio Vazquezaffirmed this Wednesday in a very categorical way that those interested in taking over the services of their best footballers must pay for it by putting on the table the amount stipulated in their clauses.

The rojillo director commented, during the act of renewal of the Chimy Avila until 2026: “Whoever comes for our best players, pay them.” He gave examples of David García, Jon Moncayola, Lucas Torró or Sergio Herrera.

The Galician director indicated that, “unless something tremendously good comes for the club and for the player”, nothing will happen, since his wish and that of the Navarrese club is to “settle the project”.

“We have to create the right context for the players to be happy. If one day they leave, they will not be any less Osasuna supporters for it,” he added.

About future additions or renewals, Vazquez He explained that he will take advantage of the next break “to talk a little more” with Arrasate with the intention of “focusing the shot on the following objectives”.

“With the performance it is giving, we can consider a renewal”, he replied when asked about the situation of Lucas Torro (10 million clause) in his best season since he wore the Navarre jacket.

Chimy Avila It currently has the highest clause of the entire squad. 30 million has been the money agreed between both parties for the Argentine (previously they were 25). They are followed by Javi Martínez (25) and Jon Moncayola with 22.

David García and Croatian Ante Budimir are next with 20. In third place are Cote, Juan Cruz, Kike García and Kike Barja with 15.

We will see what happens in the next summer market, but everything indicates that some important piece could come out of El Sadar heading for a greater challenge than the one Osasuna currently sucks.

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