What does King Felipe VI surprise Doña Letizia with?: this is what he gave her for her trip to Guatemala

Queen Letizia traveled to Guatemala last Tuesday to learn about the work that Spanish Cooperation has been doing in the country since the 1990s. For her solidarity trip, the consort included a sustainable and classic white shirt in her suitcase. A very special garment for Doña Letizia, since it is a gift that Don Felipe gave her days before her trip.

To surprise his wife, the monarch attended with his escorts a central store, located in the Hortaleza neighborhood, in Madrid. As the person in charge of the establishment told this Saturday Fiesta, Felipe VI purchased the garment and made sure it was sustainable and breathable. “He bought a white shirt, which has a series of properties that make it wrinkle-free and very breathable.“said the manager.

With his homework done, Leonor and Infanta Sofía’s father took advantage of the trip to the store to buy swimsuits, pants and T-shirts. “He took a lot of products, which we hope you can enjoy. It was quite loaded“, they have stated to the aforementioned chain.

To decide which clothes he would take to Zarzuela and which he would leave in the establishment, the monarch had no qualms about trying on what he had selected. “He was very pleasant at all times“, assured the clerk who assisted him. Thus, when paying, the king paid for the items with a card and his name appeared directly in the system.

Queen Letizia’s trip to Guatemala was her ninth solo cooperation trip. With a look consisting of green jeans, a white shirt, a cooperative vest and wide boots, Mrs. Letizia dedicated herself to children and women at risk, taking an interest in all the improvement projects that are being developed.
