“We work all year to play matches like this”

Caroline Graham Hansen (27 years old) is measured this Friday at wolfsburga team in which he played for five seasons although in the last precedent between the two teams he was already wearing a Barça shirt.

The Norwegian appeared in the preview before the media and pointed out that “the feeling is very good, we all want to play and for that we fight in training, games like tomorrow’s are the games that we all want to play. In preseason, in training more boring or where you don’t enjoy it so much, they serve to play matches like tomorrow’s, with a Camp Nou filled with 90,000 fans by your side. Everybody is ready.”

Of the rival, whom he knows well, he said that “they are a strong team, physically very good, their way of playing is to run and fight and they have very good counter-attacks, we know it will be a fight, if we win in this we have many possibilities to do our kind of football. In the end, football is upside down and we have to compete and win, that’s why the whole team is really looking forward to tomorrow’s game”.

The striker highlighted “how we reacted when Madrid were up 1-2, showing the mental strength of the team. The whole team wanted to score goals after that, nobody wanted to lose and we all thought we were going to win.” She concluded the Norwegian with a declaration of intent: “Pressure? We don’t have pressure, we play football because we like it and we do it to win.”

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