Special day for the Benjumea and the Mora Figueroa. This Saturday, May 25, Felipe Benjumea Porresson of Felipe Benjumea Llorente (former president of Abengoa) and Blanca Porres Guardiola, has said ‘I do’ with María de Chiris Mora Figueroadaughter of Guilles de Chiris and Mercedes Mora-Figueroa Rivero in the Church of Señor San José in Seville.

The groom was the first to arrive at the religious temple with his mother Blanca Porres Guardiola around 1:00 p.m. A few minutes later, the bride, granddaughter of the Count of Chris, appeared with her father and best man at her wedding, Gilles de Chiris.

For her big day, María de Chiris Mora Figueroa has chosen an elegant bridal dress with a boat neckline, faux plain and subtle embroidery in the chest area. To complement her style, she has selected a long veil, a simple tiara and ocher velvet shoes.

After the ceremony, the newlyweds and their entire select list of guests headed to the Real Club Pineda, one of the most prestigious establishments in the capital of Seville. To this exclusive club, the guests have arrived with their own vehicles, since the bride and groom have not rented bus services to facilitate travel to the enclave.
The couple wanted to extend this dream weekend to the maximum and this Friday they already celebrated their big day. One day before their wedding, those still engaged organized a pre-wedding with all their loved ones, according to what he said. Vanitatis. The event started around 8:30 p.m. and was held in one of the fashionable places in Seville.
Felipe Benjumea Porres studied Business Administration and Management at Saint Louis University, in Missouri (United States). For seven years, he has worked at H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies SL, the company his father founded after his complicated departure from Abengoa. While, María de Chiris Mora Figueroa He works as a pharmacy technician in the city center.