We know which movie (nominated for several Oscars) Felipe VI and Queen Letizia went to see on Friday

Philip VI y Mrs. Letizia They went to the cinema this Friday and did so with admirable naturalness, like other fans of the Seventh Art. Free of institutional and family obligations, with their two daughters out of the nest, the Kings left employees and attendees stunned while they took out the tickets in the heart of Madrid, on Princesa Street. The Queen asked for a soft drink before entering.

The Monarch and his wife bought their tickets for the afternoon session and a soft drink before heading to the room to enjoy one of the activities that they both like the most and in which they coincide when they both have free time. This Friday, January 26, some attendees took out their mobile phones and immortalized Felipe and Letizia by purchasing the tickets and heading to the movie theater. They were comfortable. Letizia, with a red coat and black pants, a shoulder bag and boots. Felipe was wearing jeans and a navy blue jacket.

He tells us that the film chosen was Little Creatures, and that they chose the original version, as they do without exception. Last August they were seen in Palma de Mallorca going with their daughters and Doña Sofía to one of the cinemas in the capital of the Balearic island to see Barbie.

It is a masterpiece, starring Emma Stone, probably the strongest candidate to win the Oscar for best actress. poor creatures It has up to 11 candidates and it was just released this Friday. It is an admirable and highly recommended visual experience directed by the Greek Yorgos Lanthimos (The Favorite), which won the Golden Lion at Venice, Stone plays Bella Baxter, a young woman who comes back to life after committing suicide while pregnant. The person in charge of resurrecting her is the deranged doctor Godwin Baxter (Willem Dafoe), a kind of Frankenstein who achieves the miracle by implanting her baby's brain.

The result is a newborn creature inside the body of an adult. Without filters or prejudices, oblivious to any social norm, she discovers the world by beating herself together with the perverse Duncan Wedderburn (Mark Ruffalo). Sexual pleasure – there is a high content – ​​will be the driving force of an adventure that contains a satire on human behavior, its limits and contradictions.
