“We depend on us, mental strength will be key”

Diego Pablo Simeone addressed the press after the defeat against Athletic. A puncture that greatly complicates the League and that causes that in the event that Barcelona win their pending match on Thursday they will beat them in the first place. Cholo regretted the first half of the team, blamed himself for the lack of intensity in those first minutes and appealed to the mental strength of the squad.

How much damage does this defeat do them?

They asked me what I considered most important in the final of the League and I am clear that the mental is key. We did not play the first half as we wanted, the second was the opposite and in that emotional balance that teams have, whoever can execute it better will be closer to winning.

If Barcelona win on Thursday they will lose the lead.

I think the Spanish championship was always used to Madrid and Barcelona winning, except that 2014 and some year when we were close to fighting the championship until the end. This season we had many points of advantage, but we knew that Barcelona and Real Madrid were not going to get out of the continuous fight of all the years. Sevilla appears very well and generates important situations for us. There are four of us in that quest to finish as high as possible and now emotionally, those who have mental strength will be closer to winning.

Can it weigh them down if they take away the first place?

It is all very changeable. After winning two games in a row, he did not anticipate that we would play a first half like this. Until we play against Elche we will not know what situation we are going to find ourselves. We continue to depend on us and in the absence of five days it is important. It will depend on the strength we have, the mental strength and how decisive we are in the matches.

Anyway, everything is decided on the last day.

We are to think game by game. After this defeat, it is up to us to get to the Elche game well, which will be competed like today and to try to do our best. It is exciting, for people with mental strength and the opportunity is, it depends on ourselves.

It's hard to believe that LaLiga was being played today watching the first half.

When situations are repeated and the coach cannot solve it, it is more of the coach's problem than the team's, because we are here to solve situations and when a coach does not solve something that happens several times, something is wrong. I am concerned and will try to improve that.

Did you get confused by not starting Suárez, João or Lemar?

I am quite clear, I do not like to lie. Lemar trained one day with the group, João two and Luis another two. They were coming back from their respective injuries and the team had been playing a very good game for three days and we waited 50 or 60 very good minutes with important changes to continue competing in the game. Sometimes what you imagine is not how it turns out, that's how football is and life is changing, you have to fight with what you find, not with what you imagine.

He previously spoke on the microphones of Movistar LaLiga

Sensations “A wasted first half, we did not play as we wanted; in the second it was up to what we required. We lost 45 minutes and they took advantage of that goal. In the second we saw a good reaction and intensity, pressure, finding solutions … In the end they took the game with a good goal. “

First part. “Surely as coaches we did not prepare it in the best way.”

Four starts without winning. “We have to play better, prepare better for the games and make a greater effort in the three games that remain at home.”

Soul importance. “I always thought that in the end it is a mental factor. The one with the strongest head is the one who reaches the finish line first. The championship is beautiful: Sevilla from behind, Madrid tied, but they are still present in the fight, Barça has a party less and we will think about Elche and work well. “

Equipment situation. “I do not know until I see it on the field, it is not always as one imagines. Later we will comment.”