“We both have it clear”

Anthony Rossi (44) y Hugo Strong (26) lived a dream wedding this Friday. Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of guests, including celebrities such as Bibiana Fernández, Toñi Moreno and Sonia Ferrer, the journalist and the model said the long-awaited ‘I do’ at the ‘La Casa de Mónico’ estate in Madrid. When they arrived at the banquet, the bride and groom shouted their love from the rooftops and revealed whether, after going through the altar, they want to become parents.

“No, no, no, I don’t feel like a father and he knows it. I’m 45 years old and I live very well, why would I get involved in that now when I live so well, when I’m so well?“, Rossi said when the media asked him if he wanted to expand the family. For his part, Hugo shared the same speech as his boyfriend: “We have a lot of freedom and a child would take that freedom away from us.“, he noted.

Beyond clarifying whether they want to become parents, Antonio stressed how in love he is with Hugo.Our love has been very easyhas gone quickly, little by little and the truth is that My life changed when I met him. I didn’t know how this was going to turn out, if it was going to turn out well, badly, better or worse, but what I was clear about was that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life.“, he said.

Hugo, who was also full of praise for her husband, also explained that the preparation for the wedding has been a real hustle and bustle.Antonio is very deceitful, he takes you to his territoryit turns your life upside down, it’s a bundle of nerves. Antonio has turned my life upside down, sometimes I wonder what would have become of me if I hadn’t found him.“, he said.
