We are still waiting for the Athletic candidates

“The electoral deadline that we gave when we arrived in Ibaigane is what it has to be, the one we have to meet and we are going to meet.” The words pronounced by Elizegi last Thursday in San Mamés indicate that the elections for the presidency of Athletic will take place in June, apparently from the second week. Before that, two extraordinary assemblies remain to be held. The first, on the Popular Stand, will take place next Thursday. The second, on the statutes, points to the month of May.

The possible candidates for the Ibaigane chair have just over two months ahead of them, almost three depending on the date set for the elections, to prepare their list and their program, make themselves known and defend their candidacy. To date, the only thing more or less confirmed is that Ricardo Barkala, president of the Port of Bilbao, intends to appear

Iñaki Arechabaleta, an executive with a track record in the Vocento group, is expected, but he has not yet appeared. Jon Uriarte, a businessman who also sounds in this pre-election phase, say that he is getting discouraged. There are more names in the rojiblancos and others that do not appear but may do so at any given time. We are still waiting.