“We are for whatever”

Ten minutes have taken Maria Patino y Belen Esteban to show off The Revoltenough to revolutionize the public and conquer David Broncanowho has promised to carry them for an entire program. And this Wednesday, the queens of ‘cuore’ have gone to fill the gap left by a busy Ana Menawho showed up with his suitcase and rushed out to catch an AVE. The funny thing is that the singer had visited Pablo Motos on Tuesday in The Anthill and Broncano’s team has spent 24 hours with pick and shovel until they have managed to ‘get it’ to do the “chincha rabiña” to their rival.

And with Ana Mena on the way to Atocha, María Patiño and Belén Esteban have entered Broncano’s little room full of joy. Pleasure and shouting jokes: “Know that others have invited us at this same time and we have decided to come with you because of the affection you have always shown us,” said the town princess. “Has he invited you The Intermediate“Broncano asked. “No, not that one, others,” Belén responded, leaving the mystery in the air.

The presenter of Not even if we were shhh… and his partner have turned the theater upside down with their self-confidence and between Jews and ‘sketches’ that Martes y Trece could have written, they have taken the opportunity to ask for work in the public: “If there is any space left in the Spanish one, we are here for whatever it takes.” , they have said. “We do everything, beans…”, said Patiño, to which Belén responded: “I make beans, you don’t do anything, you present.”

The people’s princess also threw a good jab at Mediaset before saying goodbye: “I broke my leg on the other channel, thank you,” she said ironically. “Man, but that won’t be Mediaset’s fault,” commented Broncano. “Of course yes, because there was no mat underneath, let’s see the Human Resources… Well, this is another story,” he concluded.