Way of living

La Real enjoy days of glory with the leadership of both the first team and its subsidiary, a success that is also reinforced by the good game and the goals that accompany each of their games.

If the first place of the Real is meritorious with a project founded on a solid base of footballers trained in Zubieta, it is no less so that of a Sanse who in recent years has not only nurtured the first team in a remarkable way, but has also competed among the best in its category, and continues to do so, despite the loss of important pieces, not in vain in the 'eleven' that beat Barakaldo only Ezkurdia Y Veiga last season they were among the players most used by Xabi
Alonso and only Ayesa, Alkain Y Lobete they were in the last starting team to play against Haro before the pandemic stopped the competition.

And it is now precisely, in a context in which football is going through economic difficulties, when it is convenient to emphasize the importance of taking care of a quarry that, in the case of Real, has not only allowed it to complete its squad, but to strengthen it, being able to score differences with other teams that without money to sign have had to throw austerity and take refuge in transfers or low-cost transfers to complete their squads.

In times of coronavirus, does anyone believe that Imanol would he have complained or would Real have acted as Granada has done these days? It is enough to remember that precisely against the Nasrid painting, after the confinement, the Real could not count on Zaldua, Illarramendi, Januzaj, Guevara Y Sangalli and they didn't play for a minute Odegaard, Isak, Monreal Y Zubeldia. On the grass they were Aihen, You
Normand, Zubimendi, Barrenetxea, Robert
Lopez or Djouahra and on the bench Pacheco, Arambarri Y Lobete. As Rosendo sings, ways of living.

In hibernation

Gipuzkoa youth football will remain in a state of hibernation, at least, until next November 21. Since last October 23, the competitions dependent on the FGF have been postponed, although what was originally planned for two weeks, has been extended, at least, until that day 21 after the entry into force of Decree 38/2020, of, November 6 of the Basque Government that, in addition to extending the postponement of competitions to the categories that go up to the Third Division, now does not allow training in groups of six as was done until this Friday.

As stated in the final provision, “the measures provided for in this Decree will be subject to continuous monitoring and evaluation and, in any case, within a period of no more than 15 days, in order to guarantee their adaptation to the evolution of the situation. epidemiological, and may, for these purposes, be extended, modified or terminated ”.

That is to say, in the best of cases, it would be impossible that without training the competitions will return that weekend of November 21-22 and it would not seem the most appropriate for them to do so with only one week of preparation, which would already take us to the month of December. And all this thinking that by that day 21 the transmission data of the pandemic would have improved remarkably.

With Christmas just around the corner, and taking into account the logical precaution that must be taken in this situation, it seems clear that the return to competition, if it occurs, will not be until 2021