Wave of solidarity with the queen after Jaime Peñafiel's horrible attacks: “Letizia, we are with you”

The animosity of the veteran journalist with the Queen Letizia It's not a secret to anyone. The wife of Philip VI has been in the spotlight for two decades now Jaime Penafiel who, at 91 years old, has crossed the limits of responsibility and sensitivity. Her latest statements last weekend on a well-known YouTube channel, pointing out the queen as a “violent woman” and blaming her for the suicide of her sister Erika, among other atrocities for which she does not present any evidence, have caused a wave of solidarity in unprecedented social networks.

There have been many users of the social network Esteban Navarro.

The journalists Luz Sánchez Mellado y Rosa Villacastin have cried foul over Peñafiel's latest statements, with whom the latter has agreed and worked on many occasions: “If what Peñafiel intended was to discredit Letizia, his move has gone wrong. Women and many men are in favor of them and against the machismo of those who believe they are more than anyone else. That the granddaughter of a taxi driver today is the Queen of Spain is something to be proud of.”

The host Ana Pastor He has also pointed out that the campaigns to discredit Doña Letizia “always come from the same side” and that they are “more virulent and mean” since she became queen consort. Also presenter Euprepius Padula has attacked Peñafiel: “Definition of miserable and resentful. The gratuitous attacks on Queen Letizia are quite painful.”

The actress Beatriz Rico Nor has she remained silent in the face of the controversy, which has turned its protagonists into a Trending Topic on social networks: “The pain of Letizia, daughters and family with the nonsense that I just heard from that man's mouth will be infinite. Her sister is dead , her youngest daughter had not been born when Erika died. I suppose Casa Real should not enter into the rag, but what a beautiful lawsuit they should have. What savage and amoral harassment. And what pain to hear them blame you for your sister's suicide.” .