Warren Buffett has earned his own merits to be a benchmark in the investment world. His calm temperament and long-term analytical gamble have made him a beacon for many investors.
And although it seemed that in recent years the owners of technological giants had been able to pass him on the right, in 2021 Buffett recovered again, entering as the sixth member of the so-called ‘Club of 100,000 million’.
At 90, his net worth has finally surpassed $ 100 billion. The Berkshire Hathaway president’s wealth touched $ 100.4 billion on Wednesday, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. That makes Buffett the sixth member of the 100,000 club, a group that includes Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and his friend Bill Gates.
But behind her figure, which can appear quite rigid or serious, it also hides that of a man who likes to play with riddles and riddles from time to time.
In his 2019 letter to Berkshire Hathaway investors, Buffet included a riddle from Abraham Lincoln, which went like this:
“Abraham Lincoln once posed the question: ‘If you consider a dog’s tail to be a leg, how many legs does it have?’ and then he answered his own question: ‘Four, because naming a tail as a leg does not make it a’
Then he added with some sarcasm: “Abe would have felt lonely on Wall Street.”
Lincoln’s riddle signifies the difference between illusion and facts, or what appearances deceive. In other words, a lot can be achieved by changing the definition of something, but changing the definitions will not change reality. A good metaphor to know how to differentiate when an investment or almost anything can actually mislead us or not.
“It is convenient for managers and investors to remember that Abe is right even if an auditor is willing to certify that the tail is a leg,” he stressed.