The VillarreaThe CF has closed the signing of the defense of Atletico Madrid youth, Fran Tafalla, one of the players greater projection of the quarry of the Madrid team. Tafalla, eighteen years old, ended his contract with his team on June 30, so it was expected that he could continue in his club for more seasons. But Villarreal’s interest seems to have made the footballer change his mind from Orihuela, who has ended up opting for the offer from the Castellón team.
A signing that continues to feed the fight that both clubs have been having since several campaigns, with the arrival of players from Villarreal to Atlético and players from Atlético to Villarreal. Without going further, Villarreal continues to regret the loss of a player as German Valera, who left the club in 2018 when he had not yet turned 16.

Or the case of Rodri Hernández, who left the Atlético youth team to sign for the yellow team. Although in the Castellón club the controversy comes with the complaint for the departure of players under 16 years of age, since Atlético and other clubs carry out this practice by removing players from the yellow quarry. A situation that Fernando Roig denounced in 2019, since the previous season Atlético, Barcelona and Athletic Clubthey took Germán Varela, Brian Fariñas and Nico Serrano, three pearls from their quarry.