Fernando Vidal appeared this morning before the media to explain what will be one of the most important changes in the recent history of Deportivo. The president and his Council hope to approve a capital increase by Abanca that will guarantee future viability, but at the same time will change the ownership of the club, which will belong to the bank: “You have to pay 90.8 million euros in 12 years. That is the economic reality. We arrived in December and faced the problem in the face. It is the only real solution. Good in the short term and, above all, with long-term guarantees, avoiding disappearance. “
The president thanked the willingness of Abanca, which will control a large majority of the share capital. In this sense, cannot guarantee that the bank's intention is to sell the Depor: “No one can assure what anyone does with their actions. I can't ask Abanca for anything, you have to ask them. “

Further, Vidal also wanted to explain what a third extension will be like dedicated to current shareholders and others who want to do for the first time: “There are 35 million to guarantee the participation of sportsmen. From March 21 to April 24 will be a proportional preferential subscription for current shareholders. From April 25 to May 9 , subscription for shareholders that have subscribed shares in the first phase, with no purchase limit. And the third one, open to all up to a maximum of 4,500 shares. “
The objective is to ascend as soon as possible
Fernando Vidal knows that This agreement involves an oxygen ball, but it is also clear that sports goals do not change: “Can anyone think that with this debt you can subsist in Second? You could compete, but with whom? Urgency to ascend there will always be, although the debt was zero. By history the natural place of Depor is First. Nothing guarantees your promotion, but this gives you arguments that if you don't have them, it's complicated. It is not the same to compete with 3-4 million salary cap, than with 12-14 “.