The walk of the daughter of the Infanta Elena for every square in which he fights king rock It would be nothing more than a diversionary tactic. Victoria Federica to increase the rumors of romance with the bullfighter and divert attention from his true new love.
Also read: Victoria Federica and her mother do not speak: her work as an influencer makes Doña Elena’s days bitter
Borrowing the expression from journalist Carlos Pérez Gimeno, Vic lollies with the son of a former Atlético de Madrid player. According to Fiestait could be the stem of Juanma Lopezbetter known as Superlopez.
The young people had been going out “for a few weeks” and the niece of Felipe VI Apparently she is “very excited”. A few days ago, the journalist Beatriz Cortázar also brought to light details of Vic’s alleged new boyfriend: “He is someone from Madrid society, but he is not from the world of celebrities or the media.” He explained that the two have managed to go unnoticed because “they have been very careful and are not going anywhere together.”

For the heart of the granddaughter of Juan Carlos I other boys have passed like the bullfighter Gonzalo Caballero and the DJ Jorge Barcenas, who he broke up with earlier this year after three years together. With Roca Rey, the same rumors that are now falling intensified with force after his trip to Peru (homeland of the bullfighter), to the point that carmen lomanaaware of everything that happens in the heart, assured a few days ago that they were together.