Vicente Moreno: “It is very important that the points remain in Mallorca”

Vicente Morenocoach Majorca, has qualified as “very important” that the three points at stake this Friday against Leganés, a direct rival in the fight for salvation, “stay in Palma”.

“Tomorrow's game is very important, first, because there are fewer and fewer days, there will be less time, the rivals will not always fail. The Lega
nés is a direct rival and as we fight to get out of the descent, “Moreno said at a press conference by videoconference.

“It would be very important for the points to stay here in a vitally important game, although if we win we are not going to get anything yet and if not, we will have it much more difficult and we will be worse off than we are this day,” he added.

The Mallorcan coach recalled that his team will face a Leganes who have a squad “of a level like Espanyol, Celta”, who are also at the bottom of the table.

“Everyone makes tremendous efforts at the economic level to achieve the same as us, and there we are. Many see it easy, but soccer people know that being competing as we are doing has a lot of merit, “he said.

Regarding the game that he expects this Friday at Visit Mallorca Estadi, Moreno predicted that it will be decided “by details”. “Usually they are decided by details, unless you play against rivals far superior to you. But there are many other things on the field to tip the balance.

For example, the balls to the sticks (from the Ghanaian Baba against Villarreal), to shoot inside or outside when you are alone in front of the goalkeeper, that the rival has a chance or two and they if they succeed. In short, they are details that determine a result and the final reading of a match, ”he indicated.

Moreno said, Likewise, that his team is going to find a Leganés that will hinder “very much because he has very good players. “

“It has level players, who may even be out of your (economic) reach. It is a team that seeks the same as us and that is aware that tomorrow's game is important and that as the days go by this becomes more complicated and less remains. I am sure that they will leave everything, as we will, “he said.

The Valencian coach also referred to yesterday's matchday in Primera and the cards that the referees took out for “taking out their arms”, and recalled that his team “could have stayed with one more player in the action of an elbow in which there was no card (to Alberto Moreno) in the match in Villarreal ”.

“There are many factors that can help the balance to fall on one side or the other. Hopefully all these conditions are in our favor tomorrow, “said Moreno, who clarified that this comment is not a criticism of the referees, although” the elbow they gave to (Alejandro) Pozo was a second yellow card like a cathedral. “

“There are mistakes that we can have as human beings that we are. Those who are on the field of play, be they players or referees (the rulings) must be accepted and taken naturally, without further ado. If it was understood that he made some kind of complaint, it was not in that sense. We fully trust the referees and when they decide something on the field of play they decide it at that moment thinking that they are right, but it can happen to them as it sometimes happens to me, that they are not right and they have been wrong, “Vicente Moreno remarked.