Vicente Moreno and the melting of the Wilmington-Shantou axis

What seemed like an irreversible breakthrough on Friday afternoon has turned into a groundhog day for almost a week. after the meetings this Wednesday I could have the hours counted, Yes now? Mallorca from Palma (important the detail) had given free rein to seal the separation of his technician for the past three seasons, Vicente Moreno, who in turn only had to sign the documents and take a flight (or a boat) from Mallorca to Barcelona to cbecome the new coach of Espanyol. But this story affects more cities. From one end of the planet to the other.

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Why, if everything was agreed, did Moreno not withdraw? The answer lies in Wilmington, a small population of just over 70,000 inhabitants located in the state of Delaware, United States. 2700 Centerville Road is located, at least legally, LIGA ACQ Legacy Partners headquarters. In other words, the mayor of Mallorca. The company that controls 99.98 percent of the capital vermilion social, and which in practice control Robert Sarver, maximum shareholder of the club, its president, Andy Kohlberg, and the two-time NBA MVP Steve Nash.

Any decision agreed at the Son Moix offices must reach them, and that is what happened last Friday, when they backed off the agreed exit for Vicente Moreno. To the technician, with a contract in force until 2022, certain amounts were owed to him, hence in a certain way these were compensated with a reduction of its clause output, which amounts to one million euros. What was observed in Mallorca was unacceptable in the United States.

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Robert Sarver, Andy Kohlberg and Steve Nash, delivering paella in Mallorca.

And so had continued to happen in the following days, with the aggravating circumstance of one time difference, six hours less Right now on the North American East Coast, which hardly allows us to know if an agreement is valid until late at night in Spanish territory. It would happen again at Tuesday's meeting.

And that's where the other planetary axis could come into play. In fact, the mere fact of not breaking into the negotiation is already a way of negotiating. To the owner and president of Espanyol, Chen Yansheng, reported to Shantou, in the Chinese region of Guangdong, every movement that happens in Espanyol. For being the holder of the 99.55 of the shares of the parakeet clubmainly and because any commercial operation must be reported to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, where the Rastar Group, the company that owns the Blue and Whites, is listed.

Others six hours, this time to add to the Spanish timeThey represent the distance between any decision that is evaluated or made at the RCDE Stadium, especially if it is an evening one, and Chen. Many times, the approval of any transaction appears when executives in Barcelona wake up, first thing in the morning. And, in this case, it is true that Could the Chinese businessman have ended the soap opera disbursing the million of the clause of Vicente Moreno. But you have chosen respect your own internal agreements between Espanyol and the coach.

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Chen Yansheng poses for AS outside the Rastar Group headquarters in Shantou, China.

The parrot club agreed with the coach a long contract, for three seasons, with some First Division emoluments and the guarantee that you would have voice and vote in the planning of the workforce. The palpable demonstration is that ups and downs stopped while waiting for him to sit on the bench. In exchange, he was in charge of disassociating himself from Mallorca.

All in all, today the interests of Vicente Moreno, Espanyol and Mallorca they are totally condemned to understand each other, an extreme that could happen at last between this Thursday and Friday.

All the actors are in the hands of an axis 12 hours apart and two almost antagonistic cultures (of course, politically they are today): the one that is imaginary drawn between Wilmington and Shantou. By the stiffness of some, loosened this Thursday, and the deliberate inaction of others. And time is running out. Hence, the agreement is, if there is no further twist, irreparable.