Vasco Electronics launches its Vasco Translator V4 to ‘break’ language barriers

The device, with support in 108 languages, includes a function that allows you to talk in real time with up to 100 interlocutors


The company specializing in electronic translators, Vasco Electronics, has launched its ‘Basque Translator V4’ model, which allows communication with up to 90 percent of the world’s population thanks to its support in 108 languages ​​and speaking in real time with up to 100 interlocutors.

Basque Translator 4 also includes different dialects of the same language. This software comes compact in a 5-inch screen, works with GSM and contains a SIM card that provides free Internet for life to the user in more than 200 countries.

In this way, the user can use the translator in any circumstance without having to rely on a WiFi signal. If for some reason the GSM signal is weak, the device can also use a nearby WiFi signal.

In addition, the device has noise suppression so that all translations can be heard without any problem, even in outdoor environments where ambient noise can be annoying.
This feature and its resistance to dust, splashes and shocks make it an ‘all-terrain’ device.

In addition, the Basque Translator V4 has a functional design that has already earned it one of the most prestigious awards in the world in the field of design, the Red Dot Award in the category of Communication Technology.


There is a clear association of language barriers when conversing with people from other countries who do not speak the same language as the interlocutor. However, on a trip the problem begins with the signs and readings.

In this sense, the Vasco Translator V4 not only allows you to translate voice through its microphone but also translates text and photos thanks to its integrated 8-megapixel AF Sony camera.

In addition, its Multitalk function is very useful in the professional environment, since it allows you to talk in real time with up to 100 interlocutors in different languages. This feature uses the 10 largest translation engines in the world and adapts the best to whatever combination of languages ​​is happening at the moment.

Ideal for international talks, conferences, and meetings, this app offers a translation accuracy of 96 percent. Vasco Electronics’ Vasco Translator V4 will be available in Spain from July 14 for a price of 389 euros on the company’s website.