Varapalo for Patiño: he has to deliver a bond of 120,000 euros for the case of the ‘Antonio David abuser’ posters

To the defeat of Rocío Carrasco against Olga Moreno in court and the victory of the former civil guard against La Fábrica de la Tele, other judicial novelties are now added. On this occasion, due to the complaint that Antonio David Flores filed in 2021 against Maria Patino for defamation and slander.

It must be remembered that the former collaborator of Save mepointed out in the Rociito docuseries, sued the presenter for the information she gave in socialite about the posters that appeared in Malaga with the word “Abusive”. The journalist said that he himself had hung them to “victimize himself.” Patiño affirmed that he had seen images from a security camera that showed how Carrasco’s ex had done it, but these never came to light.

However, the investigating court number 34 in Madrid has agreed to open the oral trial. This is how it appears in a car dated April 14, as anticipated The vanguard this Wednesday.

On the occasion of the opening of the oral trial, the magistrate established as a precautionary measure the deposit of a bond of 120,000 euros. The presenter of Save me he had only one day to deposit it under penalty of seizure of his assets. This is the amount requested by the former Olga Moreno and Marta Riesco as compensation for damages.

Finally, the journalist will be prosecuted for criminal proceedings after resorting to the transformation order on two occasions. The second, before the Provincial Court. The trial date, pending the brief from Patiño’s defense, has not yet been set.

Read also Antonio David Flores’s birthday in the middle of a storm Riesco: congratulations from Rocío Flores

These judicial developments come at a turbulent time for Antonio David in the field of love, as Marta Riesco announced last Thursday the break between the two. As the person in charge, the ex-reporter of Ana Rosa’s program He pointed directly at young Ro. In the judicial field, as we said, he recently emerged victorious in the lawsuit that he filed against those responsible for Save me for unfair dismissal.