Valencia offers the roof of the Nou Mestalla as a solar farm

The Valencia last the activity project of the new stadium which will be delivered through the Town Hall entry register. Last week she already formally requested the building licensesthursday actually Technicians from the club and the consistory meet to specify details of licenses, and throughout this week they intend to present the activity project. In said writing details will be collected of the work of New Mestalla and, among others, the two options currently being considered for the roof of the stadium will be pointed out.

Valencia drives two options for the cover. The most ambitious and innovative a roof with solar panels that will make the Nou Mestalla an unprecedented energy park in Spain. The club, as AS has learned, maintains open negotiations with energy multinationals so that they are the ones bear the cost of a roof that will be made up of solar panels, about 30,000 square meters in which to collect solar energy (the average number of sunny days in Valencia is 300 a year) and that can be distributed (it is estimated 5 megawatts) for the direct supply of the neighborhood of Benicalap or other areas of the city.

Such a cover is estimated to have a cost of 50 million. Valencia does not include this item in the budget of 115 million that will invest to finish the work of the Nou Mestalla. That is, the cover it will only be built if an energy company assumes its construction. In return, Valencia I would give him during a long period of time the exploitation of solar panels and even others options like naming of the stadium. The club is in negotiations with several multinationals, who are studying the proposal for their symbolism of sustainability and its innovation, since there are few ‘solar farms’ in the world of such dimensions within the urban area of ​​a city.

Shield/Flag Valencia

The financing plan that Valencia will present

Valencia, as has been stated, will only undertake the construction of this type of cover if a third party assumes its cost. Valencia has planned invest 115 million to resume and finish the stadium. Those 115 million include the 6.8 million that the sports pavilion will cost. So, on what is start up Until the inauguration of the Nou Mestalla, 108 million will be allocated. That amount would include a merely functional cover (shade and rain) and without any symbolism.

The 115 million that Valencia will invest in the completion of the Nou Mestalla They will come from CVC (80 million) and from the sale of the club’s urban assets. Valencia has been negotiating for months sale of the two towers that are included in the urban plan of the Avenida de las Cortes, some towers that in the project presented by Juan Soler in 2007 were intended for club offices, a museum and a hotel. These plots for tertiary use they have 40,000 square meters. In addition, the club will also put up for sale in the near future the building located in the Plaza de la Afício, where you currently have offices and one of the official stores.

Valencia, in writing, will commit to the City Council to allocate the proceeds from the sale of said assets (up to the figure of 115 million) for the construction costs of the Nou Mestalla, making it clear that will not allocate such income or for the sports area (signings) nor to reduce debt with banks or third parties (Peter Lim). The economic viability plan of the club goes through allocate the sale of the Mestalla plot to reduce the debt to a minimuma relief for a club that annually allocates 20% of its budget to interest payments.