This winter many suitors have come out Nehuén Perez. The Argentine central, which belongs to Athletic from Madrid but he plays on loan in the Pomegranate, has aroused the interest of different teams of The league during this January market. After Cádiz, the Valencia, that has tested a possible loan until the end of the season, as this newspaper has learned. However, they are pending other additions and have not yet submitted a formal offer for the player.
The key to the matter is that Nehuén is still from outside the EU. Currently, Valencia has two occupied places (Maxi gomez Y Kang–in read), so you have one free. Nevertheless, they are trying other signings of players without a passport that could take over it. Everything indicates that any decision will be made during the last hours of the market, which ends during the night of February 1.
Even so, it will be difficult to get Nehuén out of Granada. Although he is not counting on all the minutes he would like (he has a lot of competition in the position with German, Duarte Y Vallejo), he is comfortable in the Andalusian team and they do not intend to part with him, especially considering that in a few weeks the Europa League and that the team is still alive in the Cup.

That comes out in this market it depends on two factors. The first is that the club that wants it ensures more minutes of play. The second, no less important, is that the offer convinces Atleti, although the rojiblanco club does not see a change of scenery with bad eyes. Everything will be defined in the next three days.