Valencia Basket wins the LF Endesa Super Cup


Valencia Basket defeated Perfumerías Avenida (78-73) to win the LF Endesa Super Cup this Sunday in the edition held at the Gran Canaria Arena, a new title for the current League champion at the expense of the Salamanca team.

The ‘taronja’ team won its second Super Cup against an Avenida that was looking for the tenth of its record, surpassed by its executioner in the last league final. All in all, Perfumerías brought out its gene to maintain the fight despite an 18-0 run in the first quarter.

Silvia Domínguez led the blue comeback, together with Maria Fasoula (19 points and 22 PIR) but the Salamanca team lacked minutes. Cristina Ouviña (14 and 21), Queralt Casas (11, 7 rebounds and 21) and Alba Torrens (14) led Valencia.

The defense of Rubén Burgos’ team caused many losses in the rival and led to the final in the first half (42-22). Going into the last quarter, the fight was still under the ‘taronja’ color, but Perfumerías maintained the excitement until the final whistle.