Valencia assures that Garay rejected renewal offers

After the harsh statement of Ezekiel Garaand in which he charged against the Valencia management for how they have treated him (according to his version) in the negotiation to renew his contract and for having included him in a ERTE Despite being on leave, the Mestalla club has replied with another letter in which he assures that the Argentine has rejected offers to expand his relationship that increased his salary.

“As the player himself indicates, his renewal began in July 2019, having since rejected several proposals that improved his current contract as a professional soccer player with the Valencia CF, a totally respectable and lawful decision ”, points out the club.

The Valencia regrets and shows his surprise at the movement of Garay and says that “the club has always shown his love and constant support”,

Regarding its inclusion in the ERTE, the entity does not deny that it has included it but says that “the exclusive reason why the club was forced to do so was that the player was the only footballer who refused to sign the global agreement reached with the entire first team and coaching staff to reducing your perceptions. “

“This circumstance was avoided by the club precisely to avoid controversies and public criticism in this regard,” says the entity.