Unusual words from Gwyneth Paltrow in the trial for the accident in the snow: “We lost half a day of skiing”

Wave of indignation in the networks after the actress of shakespeare in love declare in the trial for the case of the snow accident, which seriously injured a 76-year-old man, Terry Sanderson. The retired optician accused Gwyneth Paltrow in 2016 of causing the crash while they were skiing on the slopes of Park City in Utah; and she countersued him in 2019 for false accusations and claimed that he was responsible for the collision. Now, at trial, the interpreter slipped that she had also been harmed by that accident on the slopes: “We lost half a day of skiing.” A phrase that has shaken the networks against her. Sanderson got the worst of it: concussion and four broken ribs, plus the aftermath. Initially, he requested damages of 3.1 million dollars, which he later reduced to 300,000.

Overacting, drinking water from the bottle and apologizing for her foul language. Gwyneth Paltrow testifies these days before the judge for the case of the snow accident of 2016. A legal battle that faces two parties, Paltrow Vs. Sanderson. Each blames the other. The actress apologized for having reproached the retired optician that she had skied over “his damn back of hers” of hers. In her defense, the actress claimed that at the time of the collision she felt a lot of pressure on her body and she thought it was a sexual harasser. In addition, she insisted that it was not a “hit and run”, that she waited for the man to confirm that she was okay. The injured person exposed her version, in which she assured that he abandoned him and did not even give him his phone number in case he needed his help.