UEFA has appointed English Anthony Taylor as judge of the Nations League final that Spain and France will play tomorrow despite the fact that Roberto Rosetti, the former Italian collegiate who is at in front of the referees, him put the red face for a penalty that was swallowed in the Sweden-Spain disputed on September 2 in Stockholm. “It's a clamorous penalty that it had to be whistled “, the italian said into English in the presence of the rest of the UEFA referees. “It may happen that you don't see it, but yes the VAR is not able to collect these types of plays is better than let's all go home“Rosetti added in his telematic conference from Switzerland with the rest of the FIFA and UEFA referees in Europe, including himself Taylor, who endured the downpour while Rosetti brought out the colors in the presence of the finest of the continental suit.
The controversy from the recent Sweden-Spain arrived in the minute 32 when Ferran torres entered the area and was shot down by the swedish defense in what was a clear infraction. The Spanish footballers complained to Taylor, referee of the match, without whistling anything. Such was the intensity of protests that Jordi Alba was admonished. At that time of the meeting, Spain was winning 0-1 with a goal from Valencia's Soler.
If the clamorous maximum penalty had been indicated, the Selection could have sentenced with a 0-2. But Taylor swallowed the penalty, refused to consult with the VAR and Sweden ended up going back (2-1) and putting Spain in a tight spot in qualifying for the 2022 World Cup.
As well, despite all the above, Own Rosetti has appointed Taylor, 42 years old and international since 2013, as France-Spain referee of this Sunday in San Siro, in the final of the Nations League. Together with him his compatriots will whistle the meeting for Gary beswick and Adam Nunn, who will be the line judges. The same trio that swallowed the Ferran Torres penalty in Solna, Stockholm. As fourth official he will act Craig Pawson, also of English nationality while the person in charge of the video arbitration will be Stuart Attwell, also English.

In the Federation (RFEF) does not have a good memory of Taylor for everything explained in this article, but it is still greater surprise, almost astonishment, because despite this the English referee has been appointed again to whistle the National Team, which still has open the Solna's wound and what should sweat the fat drop in november for close the pass to the World Cup, Ticket that is disputed with the Swedish national team that benefited from Taylor's mistake in the match against Spain last September.