Two drug traffickers arrested for stalking Princess Amalia’s apartment

What a fright they had this Friday Willem-Alexander and Maxima of the NetherlandsTwo individuals, identified as “cocaine traffickers,” were seen hanging around the apartment of the Princess Amalia in Amsterdam. According to the newspaper ColorfulThe heiress’s bodyguards quickly alerted the authorities, who arrived and engaged in a tense altercation with the suspects. “The police wanted the two men to leave the building with them, but they refused. The situation became a little awkward, with a tense altercation and struggle between the men and the police.”says a witness.

They say that the event has left the Dutch Royal Family in “shock”, thus reliving its worst nightmare. It should be remembered that Princess Amalia, heir to the throne, is target of the mafia for years. It was in Summer 2021 when it came to light that the daughter of King William and Queen Maxima was the main target of an organized crime gang dedicated to drug trafficking that He was planning his kidnappingFaced with the threat, her parents decided to send her quickly to Madrid, where she received the protection of her godfather, King Philip, a close friend of her father.

These were distressing moments for the Dutch monarchs who thanked Juan Carlos I’s son last June during his state visit: “Last year circumstances forced my daughter Amalia to live in Madrid. From there she was able to continue her studies at the University of Amsterdam. This was made possible by the kind efforts of many of her compatriots and by you (King Felipe) yourself. A touching demonstration of friendship at a difficult time. I would like to thank you and all those who helped to organise this,” said the king during his speech at the gala dinner.

The relationship between the Dutch and Spanish monarchs, which was already very close, became even closer. Their closeness is evident in each of their appearances. The last one was in Paris, when King Felipe met Princess Amalia in the stands of one of the competitions and they showed their affection with laughter, hugs and spontaneous gestures.

His sister Alexia, in London

Concern for Princess Amalia also extends to her sisters, Alexia y Arianeso much so that her parents study her every step with the utmost care. For this reason, this very Friday, and after the altercation in the vicinity of the heiress’s apartment, they have announced that Alexia, who has enjoyed a sabbatical year after attending the Atlantic College boarding school in Wales (the same one where Leonor and now her sister Sofia studied), will continue her education in London: “Her Royal Highness Princess Alexia of the Netherlands will begin at the end of September at University College London (UCL) the degree in Science and Engineering for Social Change in the Faculty of Engineering. The Princess’s study time is considered private.”
