Turin prosecutors could question Ronaldo

In the investigation into the fictitious capital gains of Juventus there is a “mystery” that remains unsolved. It is a private document that “formally would not exist” on payments to Cristiano. The investigators learned of its existence thanks to the wiretaps between the manager Federico Cherubini and the lawyer Cesare Gabasio, especially to that phrase: “The famous document that should not exist theoretically”.

The records did not help to find him and the matter could not be clarified during the interrogations either. According to ‘La Gazzetta dello Sport’, if there will be no news in the short term, the prosecutors could summon Ronaldo himself, although it is most likely that in Turin his representatives would come to testify. Juventus, meanwhile, was “willing to collaborate” to find her, but Cherubini himself would not have given “useful indications.”

According to the investigation, the content of the document could be about “player late payments”Although it will change little for prosecutors if it is a settlement before his departure to United or his salaries deferred due to the pandemic. What will make the difference is how those amounts appeared on the Juventine balance sheet. Under the magnifying glass are those of the previous three seasons, with 282 suspicious capital gains.