Torres’s rare birthday

There were a few years, mid the 2000s, that March 20 was a day of cakes in Cerro. Sometimes the press, often fans waiting at the gates for the players to leave. All with one goal: to blow out the candles that child who seemed to never grow up. Fernando Torres. A boy who ended up getting older. Today I am 36 years old And, for the first time, he does it strange, in a situation he doesn't know, as a former soccer player. Retired on August 23, in Japan, Sagan Tosu, the club he left when he said goodbye for the second and final time to Atlético, club of his life, as a player. A career linked to colors, although it also wore those of Liverpool, Chelsea or Milan, of which it is a banner. For the fans, his name is future. He has always said it: “If I return it will be to take the club to the next level”.

Atlético was precisely one of the first congratulations that, through social networks, they arrived on this day. “On this day, Fernando @ Torres was born today. One of our great legends and idols of the fans,” he wrote on his official Twitter account. Here are their numbers: nine seasons, 404 games, 129 goals, the sixth highest scorer in rojiblanca history.

Boxing, Nine Fitness

Retired, away from the spotlight, The child He returned to Madrid, where he lives with his family and goes to the Wanda Metropolitano to become an amateur again, like that boy who went to the Calderón for the first time. from the hand of his grandfather and dreamed of being like Kiko. Train boxing and run one of the chains the most prestigious and best gyms in the city, the Nine Fitness. It is still El Niño, although gray hair has come out and a couple of years ago there were no more cakes in Cerro del Espino on March 20 with his name.