Toquero: “I'd rather lose the final against Barcelona”

Toquero He has referred to the Cup final between Real and Athletic on the occasion of the presentation of his candidacy for the elections to the AFE (Association of Spanish Footballers). Asked in “El Partidazo de Cope” if he signed to win only one of the two finals disputed by Athletic, the ex-footballer stated emphatically that “as a good Basque I sign to win both” because “the finals have to go and win them.” However, when asked which of the two would rather lose, Toquero left no room for doubt. “I'd rather lose Barcelona's, obviously.”

Quickly, the candidate for the presidency of the AFE reacted by making it clear that “that does not mean that it is anti-realistic, that here if you are from Athletic you are already anti-realistic. I have a very good relationship with a lot of people from Real Sociedad, I get along very well ”. And he remembered his past txuri urdin. “There are people who don't know it, but I played for Real Sociedad in juveniles and they treated me phenomenally, but obviously I'm going with Athletic.”