Baroness Thyssen was one of the guests at the gala dinner served at ‘La Huerta del Conde’ in the city of Malaga on the occasion of the presentation of the Andalusian capital as a future luxury venue. Dressed in sequins and with a friend and her trusted lawyer, Carmen Cervera I was radiant and happy. She has reasons and they are not exactly sentimental. “I don’t have any romance with Luismi (el Chatarrero). He’s not my boyfriend. I have been married all my life and now I feel happy and free and without the need to have a partner. He is a very nice friend with whom I get along well but there is nothing at all,” she said. “What I want is for him to return to Carmen Martínez Bordiú.”
His condition is more due to the excitement that makes him record his life in chapters for the Netflix platform: “They want me to record eight chapters but it seems outrageous to me. For now I’ve told them four. I’m going to do it like Arnold Schwarzenegger already did. He told his life while in a bathtub while smoking a cigar. I will not do it in a bathtub, but I will be the narrator of my life. I have been digitizing all my images, videos and films over so many years and Now I am going to use that material to tell my memories without anyone being able to change my words,” he says.

But there is more. When asked about her daughters, who will come of age next summer, Tita shows herself as a proud mother when stating that one of them will begin her degree next year at the Business Institute (IE) in Madrid: “I have already met some of my girls’ boyfriends, but I hope they don’t fall in love with the first one and that they live and know many stories. That’s the advice I give them,” he says.

The Baroness shared a table with the singer Marta Sánchez in a very special evening for Malaga, which with this initiative wants to become one of the capitals of luxury and attract large international brands to open their stores on the streets of the capital. Totem of Parisian luxury like Sidney Toledano o Sheila Loewe (photo above) did not miss a dinner served by the hotel’s restaurant, La Mamounia de Marrakech, a clear symbol of what luxury is. Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada and her boyfriend also signed up for a unique night where Tita reunited with the mayor Francisco De la Torrethe true king midas of the transformation of this city (photo below).