Tickets for the Andorra 2023 Alpine Ski World Cup Finals are on sale


The Organizing Committee of the Finals of the Andorra 2023 Alpine Ski World Cup put on sale this Tuesday the tickets for the event, which will take place next March in the Soldeu El Tarter sectors of Grandvalira.

The price for attending the speed tests and the parallel by teams that will be held on March 15, 16 and 17 on the Àliga track is 15 euros per day, while the technical races on the weekend on the Avet track They are priced at 20 euros per day. Children up to 12 years old will have free access to the stands.

In the strategic line established in the candidacy of the Andorra 2029 World Championships to improve the values ​​of accessibility and inclusion, 5 percent of the collection of tickets will go to two associations in the country: ‘Hi arribarem!’ and Special Olympics Andorra.

On the other hand, the Organizing Committee has set an amount of 5 euros per ticket to attend the spectacular opening ceremony to be held on March 13. This pass allows you to reserve a seat in the stands that will be located on the Soldeu platform from where you can enjoy the audiovisual animation show from the front line. All the proceeds from the tickets will go to the base ski training program of the Andorran Ski Federation (FAE).

The organization offers the possibility of acquiring up to five VIP options to experience the event. Beyond the races, the event will become a meeting space in which, among the different activations, gastronomy will play a relevant role. One of the proposals is the Àliga VIP Lounge, which will be located next to the El Tarter World Cup track, with breakfast and lunch, access to the stands with bar service, a welcome gift and other exclusive content.

A similar product is the VIP Lounge Hermitage that will be activated over the weekend in Soldeu from the privileged terrace of the Sport Hotel Village with views of the Avet track. In the stands located on the platform, the VIP All Star Tribune product will also be enabled with unparalleled views of the competition stage, exclusive bar service and a welcome gift at the foot of the track.

In addition, it offers the possibility of combining the experience giving access to the VIP area of ​​the terrace and that of the stands with the VIP Gold Valira product. On the other hand, one of the novelties that this edition incorporates is the VIP option with skis that is intended for skiers with an expert level, and that will allow them to enter the World Cup at the hands of a professional guide, be very close to the runners and enjoy spaces restricted to the general public together with the competition.