threatens to leave the set to evade this question

Three years ago that Ivonne Reyes (57) did not step on a set, but this Friday he has done it again in the program of Santi Acosta and Beatriz Archidona. The presenter has come to this space to talk about her critical economic situation, a matter of which she broke her silence this week and has surprised those who followed her career for years. The model has recognized feeling “rare” in her television reappearance. However, his condition has changed a few minutes later to transform into anger. After ensuring that his sister came to organize her funeral and that she was about to lose her life, she has threatened to leave the set. There are issues that take too much to deal with her, and that have been pursued for years. Among them, the open war he maintains with his ex -husband, Pepe Navarro, for Alejandro’s fatherhood.

“At this time I have nothing. When I worked on TV I had very high income and I have nothing anymore. I don’t know if it’s called Black Mano, but it seems strange to me to call me, “he explained in the progress of Friday. And he added: “I hid this reality to my son. It has not been easy.” “If I had not had my son, maybe I wouldn’t be here. Total, for what? I live thanks to him,” he recognized, emotion. According to her, the young man is “the biological son” of Navarro, “not the assumption.”

With a thread in his voice, Reyes has explained the reason for his bankruptcy: “I had several houses in Venezuela. One gave it to my nephews and another I sold it. It was an unconscious, I spent a lot. I had to welcome the law of the second chance through which they take off your debts if you meet some requirements.” His economic problem came at the time of “Pandemia. “At the time of Covid I had septicemia and from there it was very difficult to return”he pointed out.

The Venezuelan has regretted to trust at the time in fiscal advisors who did not help hersince today he cannot have anything in his name and his assets are seized.

“What did I do with money? I enjoyed it with my family making trips, paying for example seven people. When I started to earn money I thought this was never going to end. Suddenly the receipts are returned to me and I am in red numbers. There I start asking loans from nearby people. Then, when they asked me for the return, I couldn’t return it because I had to keep my son. He has had to help me, and it shouldn’t have been so, “he said.

The model reached an “extreme” situation, asking “10 euros to make the purchase”. “When I arrive and I have the empty fridge, I lift the phone. I started disguising it and then directly said: ‘Can you leave me 50 euros and return them when I charge?’ I have come to have nothing in the portfolio. How little I had I used it for the University of my son in the United States,” he said.

Tension on the set: “I’m not going to enter”

When there were a few minutes left to finish the interview, the presenter has refused to answer the questions that had nothing to do with the latest news of her personal life. Antonio Rossi has questioned whether the model and the one who was a presenter of Tonight we cross the Mississippi They ate together in 2016. An issue that has bothers the interviewee. “They talked and I will arrive there. He did not appear and had the doors open. He left him waiting,” He said, blunt. The journalist replied that it was she who warned Navarro that the young man was not going to go to the appointment.

“I don’t want to talk anymore. If we are still here, I finish it. If you don’t want to pay me, thank you. I talked to address and I will not continue there, thank you,” he complained, taking out his mobile phone and standing. “I’m not going to talk, thanks for all the love. I already put and I will not talk about the subject,” he continued. Bea Archidona has asked calm and asked him to sit down. “In the previous one, you already asked you about Pepe Navarro and in the contract there is no closure that says that my partner’s questions are prohibited.”he has stressed.

The tension has increased when Angela goalkeeper has continued to ask her son. “My son renounces the pension because he has two fingers, he has his pride and works”the guest has responded. And he has indicated with indignation: “The thing can be distributed among all, but I can do other jobs. Leave. Nothing happens, I thought it was going to be different and I was very grateful “.

Finally, Archidona has indicated that these types of questions were not going to be asked, although there was no prohibition to do so by contract. “I’m sorry, they didn’t understand”he has responded. “I have no need, I am already wrong and this was not. We talked before and this deception I do not understand,” the interviewee has settled, who has endured a few more minutes on the set, although later he has abandoned him by giving two kisses to those present, although in the midst of a more sour climate than sweet.
