Since the hardest stage of the war between russia and ukraine, one of the unanimous decisions of Western companies was to leave Moscow and their entire stay in territory under the control of Vladimir Putin. With McDonald’s in the leadfor what it has always meant by the imposition of capitalism against communism, however its goodbye has been solved by the Government with a chain, Uncle Vanyawhich practically leads to confusion because of their resemblance.
Uncle Vania is one of the Anton Chekhov’s masterpieces, one of the most famous playwrights in Russian history, and since these days the name of the hamburger chain that has come to supplant the absence of McDonald’s in Slavic lands. This has been reported by the Duma these days, making it clear that the brand is already registered in Russian institutions.
“They have announced the closure. Well, that’s fine. But tomorrow in those places we should not have McDonald’s, but Uncles Vanias,” the speaker of the lower house Viacheslav Volodin declared a few days ago. A clear message to the West of what is nationalization of foreign companies fleeing due to the war against Ukraine and that could lead to new companies supplanting Ikea, Apple or Volkswagen.
This is how Uncle Vania supplants McDonald’s
With a clear resemblance to McDonald’s in their products, that yes they will be manufactured only with Russian raw materialshamburgers and fries will be offered to lower prices than those of the American chain. However, the clear symptom of impersonation comes with the logo that the company will use. same font and colors of the multinational, but turning 90 degrees the traditional ‘M’ to make it a ‘B’initial in the Cyrillic alphabet of Vania.

In addition, the Duma hopes that Tío Vania absorbs the workforce that less than a month ago worked for McDonald’s, which not in vain reaches 62,000 employees. A direct blow to the Americans, since despite their goodbye they had guaranteed to continue maintaining jobs and salaries for their workers, now transferred to the new side with the clear prejudice to what the 10% of McDonald’s revenue Worldwide.
The USSR already used this policy of similar companies in times of the Cold War
A direct change with which it is intended to give the feeling that the spirit of McDonald’s continues in Russian society, but with a clear symptom of de-westernize business. Practice that was already used in times of the Soviet Union, when all American products and their allies were prohibited and thus gained fame, among others, the brand Coke reminiscent of Coca-Cola.