One of the most demanded products in the supermarket is always that of alcoholic beverages. With the beer as spearhead and an essential part of any shopping basket, the multitude of brands, sizes and flavors makes this a complex decision. A niche in which Mercadona has managed to position itself, thanks to its white label beer under the name of Steinburg.
For tastes, colors… or beers. With countless varieties, each consumer has their favorite barley liquid and just as someone may not like one type, another user may find it their favorite. For this reason the high bet of supermarkets in this sectorby presenting on its shelves always more than one modality adaptable to each average customer.
Regarding the main chain in Spain, Mercadona, in addition to the most popular brands, the Valencian company always triumphs in number of sales with its own line. Steinburg, a white label that joins the Hacendado or Deliplus in the company led by Juan Roig, has various varieties where the classical.
The price of Steinburg, more than important for Mercadona
An award-winning beer in several competitions for its taste, composition and good value for money, to the point of being considered by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) as the best in its analysis. With an alcohol volume of 4.8%, this Lager is around 23 cents in the 33 cl can.

A more than attractive price that explains part of its success in sales, but not all the keys. From green colorthe traditional Mercadona, this causes it to resemble well-known brands such as Mahou, Heineken or Carlsberg to the point of being another important aspect for its strong demand.
The key to its success is in Font Salem
However, it is in its production where the main attraction lies and for which it is considered one of the best on the market. Made with water, corn, barley malt, hop extract and E-150 dye, its elaboration is carried out in the plants of Salem (Valencia) by the company Font Salem.
Leader in Spain and Portugal in distribution brand and co-packing of beers, soft drinks and waters, this Valencian company has more than 25 years of experience in the sector that leads it to produce, annually, more than 800 million liters on three floors distributed between Salem itself, El Puig de Santa María (also Valencia) and Santarém (Portugal).
Since 2001, the Damm group has owned Font Salem
In addition, since 2001 it has the strength behind the Damm group. Owner of 70% of Font Salem, Steinburg’s production bears the stamp of this Catalan company that has marked the course of the history of beer in Spain since the 19th century.
Everything to produce one of the most consumed beers on the market and most recognized among supermarket chains, which represents for Mercadona around 15 million euros in sales every year.