With a view to approving the new Traffic Law sooner rather than later, which is expected before the end of 2021, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) is already paving the way for such a moment. More if it fits in a fact like that of the old cars, against which you want to put an end to renovate the spanish park, the institution led by Pere Navarro is warning some owners through a letter of the great change that is about to come regarding their vehicle.
The zombie cars, those who are discharged but at some point are put into circulation illegally, especially in rural areas, they are close to finding a hard rock along the way. Starting in 2022, the period of withdrawal of a vehicle it can only be from year to year with constant renewal by the owner, otherwise, at the end of the period, it will once again be considered a normal car with the consequent taxes, insurance and inspections that has to happen to circulate.
One of the novelties that the DGT has wanted to include, through a Royal Decree, taking advantage of the reform on the Traffic Law and that will lead to an attempt to end vehicle casualties, which have doubled in the last 15 years. Until now, any owner could cancel their car through a simple procedure and in an unlimited way, that is, until they decide to revoke such cancellation by paying only 8,59 euros (In addition to ensuring that all documents for circulation are in force).
What does a deregistered vehicle not have to pay for?
During this withdrawal, a vehicle is not obliged to pay the road tax just as the ITV nor does it have to have safe, as long as it is not put into circulation. It is for all this reason that with this new reform that the procedures are year by year (paying 8.59 euros at all times), the DGT is sending its letters informing all drivers who at this time have a given vehicle of come down.
The fine for driving without ITV is 200 euros, without insurance it exceeds 600 euros and without road tax it can reach up to 500 euros.
It will be then from 2022 when not having requested the renewal, the vehicle in question will be considered registered again and will have to face all the payments for its circulation, otherwise could be fined. A change that is intended to end these so-called zombie cars, while continuing to promote the renewal of the Spanish automobile fleet, one of the most outdated in all of Europe.