The return of football will be strongly conditioned by the presence of the virus, which is why several measures have been designed from LaLiga to minimize the risks of contagion and guarantee that the season can finally be finished by playing the remaining matches. The protocols have been adapted to the circumstances, affecting training and the displacement of the teams.
Exclusive hotels
LaLiga has established a system to have exclusive concentration hotels for the teams, without risk of contagion for the hours prior to the matches. Only the players and the coaching staff will be able to stay in the establishment for the duration of the stay, minimizing the risks of contagion.
For displacement, the employer establishes that the teams must travel on charter flights or on AVE routes to reach their destination. They can also do it by bus, although with a limit of 25 people. In the event that the expedition exceeds this amount, two vehicles must be used.

Test, masks and temperature taking
Before the matches, the members of the teams must undergo the required tests to know if they are positive for coronavirus or not. If there were any infected, it would be isolated and quarantined. This protocol is also extended to the coaching staff.
Upon arrival at the stadiums, the temperature of all staff will be taken, in addition to the mandatory use of a mask and gloves on the premises.

Expansion of calls
As a consequence of the new possibility of making five changes, the teams' calls will also be modified. Of the usual 18, the First and Second coaches will have 23 footballers per match.
Follow the VAR
Despite the fact that the International Board allows competitions to continue without the VAR, this element will continue to be available in LaLiga. The Technical Referees Committee (CTA) has adapted the VOR facilities (the VAR room) with the placement of partitions that will avoid contact between the VAR referee, his assistant (AVAR) and the video operators. It is expected that a different room will be used for each match (there are 12 available), which will be disinfected once the match is over. Those present will also have hydro-alcoholic gel at their disposal to minimize risks.