After this weekend of commitments within the framework of the delivery of the Princess of Asturias Awards 2022Their Majesties the King and Queen will continue with a very tight agenda until next Friday, November 4.
Also read: Letizia, with a 100% lady look from Cherubina in the audiences of the Princess of Asturias Awards
Thursday of next week Philip VI y Letizia will provide a lunch to the president of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitezand his wife, the first lady, Silvana Lopez Moreirain the Royal Palace of Madrid.
Since her husband assumed the presidency of his country in 2018, Silvana has been compared, stylistically, to our queen for both being supporters of a simple and elegant aesthetic. For her first public appearance as first lady, she opted for a white coat that reminded her of the Varela that Letizia wore in the proclamation of Felipe as king of Spain. Both met in 2021, when the mother of Leonor y Sofia landed in Paraguay on one of his cooperation trips.

The Paraguayan first lady is 48 years old, two years younger than the daughter-in-law of Juan Carlos I. She has a degree in Marketing and the granddaughter of Nicolas Boone of the men of the late dictator Alfredo Stroessner.
She is mother of Félix, Sebastián, Victoria y Mauricio. The first three are the result of her first marriage to José Felix Ugarte, a rich rancher. In 2007 she was reunited with Mario, her teenage sweetheart, with whom she married and they had her son Mauricio. The Paraguayan head of state also contributed two children from a relationship prior to the marriage, Mario y Santiago.
Last June 2021, a tragedy shook the life of the first lady. her sister, Sophiain addition to his brother-in-law, businessman Luis Pettengill, and his three nephews aged three, six and nine, died in a building collapse in Miami.
The agenda of the Kings next week
On Wednesday, November 2, the king will have three audiences at the Palacio de la Zarzuela with the participants of the program for the strengthening of the civil service in Latin America, the organizing committee of the second National Congress of Civil Society and the last three promotions of the superior body of actuaries, statisticians and economists of the Social Security. The queen, for her part, will visit the Navarran town of Tudela to pay homage to Pilar Miro at the 22nd edition of the Ópera Prima Film Festival. October 19 It was 25 years since his death.
The following day, on Thursday, Felipe will first meet with the President of Paraguay and, later, will be joined by the Paraguayan First Lady and Queen Letizia for lunch in Zarzuela. Already on Friday, the kings will travel to Barcelona to attend the anniversary of the Liceu.