This is JD Vance, the man in the ranks of the Democratic leader

After the attack on Donald Trump, who was slightly injured, and the continuous pressure to defeat the Biden government, the United States is on fire. It is true that the Republican candidate is going all out in these elections to win against the Democratic Party. However, Donald Trump is not alone. He has the unconditional support, at least publicly, of his wife Melania Trump and his children. He also has that of the senator from Ohio, JD Vancebehind the leader’s back. He announced this on Wednesday, when he accepted the nomination for vice president of the Republican Party. But who is JD Vance really?

The Ohio senator not only has admiration for politics, but also for writing. In 2016, he catapulted to fame thanks to his autobiography Hillbilly, a rural elegya book that, since Tuesday, has been one of Amazon’s best-sellers in the United States. The autobiography in question is based on the success of the best-seller from the lowest rungs of his childhood. He describes a tumultuous childhood in Middletown, where he was raised by hillbilly people – inhabitants of areas far from the city – in the aforementioned rural region.

In more than 200 pages, JD Vance traces his career: how he overcame a dysfunctional family life and rose to the ranks of the American elite. He also criticises the current social decline due to the spread, in his opinion, of a culture that encourages it; and not that he is wrong. Vance’s ideas may seem crazy, but it is true that he knows first-hand the keys that make the economy work properly. His first political appearance dates back to the election of Donald Trump back in 2016. A “Never Trumper”, that is how he described himself on a television programme, where he also said that the American president was a “cultural heroine”.

Donald Trump y JD Vance

Trump’s would-be vice president is a firm believer in Ivanka Trump’s father’s identity politics. Raised in an environment besieged by disorder and dominated by the working class, Vance is betting on “wild and quite crazy” politics to avoid, in his opinion, the decline of the White House. Of course, violence was always present in Vance’s adolescence. His mother sometimes urged him to “fight” because “it’s the right thing to do.” However, he found refuge in his grandmother, who after a tragic event where her mother threatened to crash her car, took custody of him.

With a heavy hand in his roots, this is precisely what he intends to apply from his role as vice president, since he considers that the norms of the constitutional system of the United States are insufficient. He presents himself as “a radical conservative or a European-style social democrat”.
