It’s official. The heat wave in Spain has entered stomping. According to the State Meteorological Agency, AEMET, it is expected that this week areas of the south and center of the peninsula will be around 40 degrees. When the thermometer rises, influencers and celebrities do not hesitate to stick to the best summer getaways.
Although part of the summer months for Paula Echevarria (@pau_eche) are subject to the recordings of Got Talent, the actress combats the heat wave in a swimming pool in the capital. With a traditional sailor bikini, the interpreter of … poses in her nets and shows how well she is on her days off.
How could it be otherwise, the summer season has also begun for Aida Domenechbetter known as sweetness (@dulceida). The Catalan has shared a round day with her more than three million followers: tomorrow at the pool, lunch with friends, and when the temperatures seem to take a breather, Aida has not hesitated to go to the concert of Tini Stoesselin the Palau Sant Jordi.
Something different from what we are used to will be the summer of Maria Pombo (@mariapombo). After giving birth to her daughter Vega last Monday, the influencer is still in full postpartum. With the aim of normalizing a body after being a mother, María has published a photo of her belly where she does not hide the scar from the cesarean section.