This is how Irene and Kiko despised Isabel Pantoja so that she did not even show up at the hospital: “They tell her that there are too many visits”

Isabel Pantoja was broken into a thousand pieces when she saw that she could not show up at the hospital to see her little soul. Irene Rosales said that he was not suitable for not upsetting Kiko Rivera and the DJ himself confessed on Instagram that he was the owner of her decisions.

Kiko was discharged this Monday after entering on Friday after suffering a stroke. Anabel Pantoja, Luis Rollán or Manuel Cortés did pass through the Virgen del Rocío Hospital in Seville, but not Isabel or Isa.

Antonio Rossi has given more details of what happened this Wednesday in Ana Rosa’s program: “It’s Kiko who tells his mother by message not to go see him.” Irene was in contact with both, although the treatment was not very splendid either: “Irene returns the calls to both of them and Kiko writes a message in which she tells him not to go. Isabel only gets a video call.”

These days it has also been commented that the tonadillera had direct contact with the toilets that treated Kiko, but nothing could be further from the truth: “Isabel Pantoja does not speak with any member of her son’s medical team. Another thing is that she speak with a doctor at the hospital. What’s more, on Saturday they tell him that there are too many visits”, the journalist has sentenced.