Happy day for the emeritus, who received a call from his lawyer early in the morning to inform him that The Court of Appeal for England and Wales has granted him immunity in the United Kingdom against Corinna Larsen’s lawsuit. A long-awaited victory that gives her a breather among so much controversy and that she wanted to celebrate with her children.
According to journalist Alejandro Entrambasaguas, the first thing he has done Don Juan Carlos hanging up his phone on the lawyer has been to call his daughters, the princesses elena y Cristinato tell you the good news. They have been (and are) his greatest support in the most difficult moments and have supported him both in Spain and in Abu Dhabi, where he has lived for three years.
Also read: Don Juan Carlos tells a confidant that the Monarchy has ten more years left
Immediately afterwards, he asked his legal team to send a telegram to Zarzuela to communicate the Court’s decision to his son, King Felipe VIbecause despite the fact that their relationship is somewhat more fluid in recent months, the emeritus wanted to respect the official channels.

It has been a day of great emotions for the emeritus, because this Tuesday, December 6, he has not only received a pleasant call from his lawyer but also from numerous friends who have contacted him to congratulate him on the Day of the Constitution. He, taking advantage of the talk, has given them his good news.