“Things are getting worse”

The last few months have been very complicated for Julián Muñoz (76) due to the cancer he suffers from and which has worsened in recent times.Neither Mayte Zaldívar (67), whom he has remarried, nor his daughters have hidden their concern for the former councillor of Marbella, who a few days ago recalled that he has an “expiration date”. His grandson Fran has also spoken about his grandfather’s health, who a few weeks ago caused a great stir after making a joke about Julián’s inheritance on social media.

He shared an image of himself lying on a bed surrounded by garbage bags and added the following text: “How people think my grandfather has left us.” Afterwards, he apologized: “Seeing the commotion I decided to delete the video because the joke is taken out of context,” he said. D Heart.

“Of course, I have never tried to make fun of the people of Marbella. I was born in Marbella, I live in Marbella. People who know me know what I am like. If there is anyone who was upset by my grandfather’s joke, I must say that I am very sorry. It was a mistake and I would like to apologise on his behalf and on behalf of the whole family,” he added.

Reappears in ‘Mañaneros’

This Wednesday, the young man gave an interview for Morning people“I’m a normal boy. A hard-working, ordinary, hard-working boy. I’m the son of Eloísa, daughter of Julián and Mayte, I’m a hotelier. I have the best example to follow, which is my grandmother, following in her footsteps,” he said in an interview for which he was not paid, as explained on the programme.

He had these words about his grandfather: “People have always spoken badly of my grandfather. I want the good and family side to be known. My grandparents are amazing. We have our jokes, he talks to me like a friend and so do I. I’m my grandfather’s favourite, and I’m delighted.” And he said about Isabel Pantoja’s ex: “People who see him on TV see him as arrogant, as a gentleman who is above everyone else, and my grandfather is the opposite.”

However, the most special person for him is his grandmother: “My grandmother is everything to me. I grew up with my grandmother. I would go to eat with her from Monday to Friday. It was a package deal with my grandmother. I would stay at her house on Saturdays. I would highlight her character and her presence. I tell her that she is our matriarch. What my grandmother says is done. We cannot have a better role model than her, for everything she has been through, what she has forgiven and everything she has lived through.”

She remembers her grandmother’s imprisonment as one of the worst times of her life: “I was doing well in my studies, but when my grandmother went to prison I went off the rails and lost my way. I lost my way for a few years.”

During his grandparents’ time in prison, he kept in touch with them: “I had previously gone to see my grandfather. He sent me a letter from prison every week and I was excited to get it to read.”

Regarding his grandfather’s health, he said: “Things are getting worse. He is an elderly person who has lung cancer. We are all with him.”
