Thiago gives pumpkins to Barça

Thiago Alcántara has distanced himself from the rumors that link him to a possible return to Barcelona and said he is focused on his work at Liverpool. The Spanish midfielder, who arrived at Liverpool a year and a half ago, has not been able to count on the regularity that he did enjoy at Bayern Munich, which has favored rumors that put him away from Anfield.

Thiago's photo

“My first year here was interrupted by the covid and the injuries I had, but then I had a very quick adaptation to the team,” Thiago said before facing Porto. “Last season was not easy for many reasons and this year everything is going better. I am willing to help the team in the ways that the coach and the teammates want. “he added.

Shield / Flag Barcelona

Thiago, who played for Barcelona, ​​was at the Blaugrana club from 2008 to 2013, when he left for Bayern, but he did not want to talk about a possible return to the Barcelona team.

“I don’t care about those rumors,” Thiago clarified. “I am focused on the work I have with this team. I only care to know what is the next adventure I have here in the Premier League and how many titles I can win, “said the Spanish midfielder.