The debut of Leonor With the Army’s gala uniform on Hispanic Heritage Day, she has become the star of all the covers. In the traditional hand kisser, a joke from her classmate from the Zaragoza Military Academy (Miguel Reinoso Lozano) made the princess blush and unleashed laughter Philip VI and the Queen Joy. Two days after the peculiar anecdote, the mysterious words that the cadet said to Leonor come to light.
After seeing the images, the last young man was identified as “Leonor’s new dream.” However, the theory was denied when an acquaintance of the cadet spoke out on social networks. “Stop talking about that boy because he is the boyfriend of a friend of mine,” said the young woman when she saw the avalanche of headlines.
48 hours later and with the controversy at the center of all the spotlights, from They claim that the young man’s comment towards Leonor was: “You are so pretty Borbón.” Likewise, from the aforementioned newspaper they say: “It was just a joke between colleagues.”

Leonor takes refuge in London
Leonor chose a slightly more remote destination to enjoy a few days of rest and relaxation with her family: London. She flew there as soon as she changed her clothes (jeans and sweatshirt) and even her hairstyle (from braided bun to ponytail) on the same afternoon of October 12, on a commercial flight accompanied by her bodyguard.
The London capital has always been a refuge for the Spanish royal family, where they have great friends. Leonor is “resting and with the people she wanted to be with,” they have stated in VAV. “Here he has very intense friendships,” they have noted.