They defend Hazard from criticism and warn that he will fly to Madrid

Eden Hazard He has already completed the recovery of the second injury since he arrived and is ready to reappear. The Belgian crack, who fell injured to him PSG on November 26 when he was on his way to meet his best level, he has been training at the same pace as his teammates for more than a week and, almost certainly, will return to the list of summoned for Sunday's duel against the Celtic in the day 24 garter belt.

The Santiago Bernabeuwhere precisely the Real Madrid will receive the team from Vigués, look forward to Hazard, as well as a former partner of the player in his stage in the Chelsea. Ivanovic He has confessed to Marca that he is “one of the best and will prove it,” but now he believes that “he is not physically well.” (Casillas points to the withdrawal to qualify for the presidency of the RFEF)

“For me he is one of the best players, with excellent quality. I wish you many successes and good luck. Of course, without injuries it would be easier. The Real Madrid it is the largest team in the world and the pressure is different from that of the Premier, but I think he is a player who can face it and I hope that the next course has no injuries and is good for him, ”he explained.

In addition, the central Zenit He said he had “the luck of not playing much against him.” “I enjoyed watching him play against other defenses and, in a short time, he made the Chelsea. So I hope he will recover physically and start giving his best for Real Madrid”He sentenced. It's a matter of time to see the best Hazard in the Madrid.