Victoria Federica has once again used social networks to congratulate King Juan Carlos, who turns 87 this Sunday, January 5, and celebrates it in Abu Dhabi, surrounded by friends and part of his family, as well as with Marta Gayá, who was his lover in the distant 80s and that, unlike other figures who shared his sentimental life, he has managed to remain in a discreet background.
Infanta Elena’s daughter has used her Instagram profile to remind us that it is her grandfather’s birthday and she loves him very much. Along with the emoticon of a cake and a heart, he has shared a photo in which Don Juan Carlos appears with his granddaughter, when she was little. Vic usually uses the networks as a showcase for what he feels for some real members and others. When the Paiporta altercations, he already left a message of support for Felipe VI, who did a disservice to the monarch.

Among the relatives who accompany Felipe VI’s father this day, the infantas, his grandchildren (surely Froilán and more than likely Vic herself), and perhaps one of the four children of the infanta Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin. This year the celebration will be much more discreet, as has been advised from Madrid. It is far from the eccentricities of last year.
Sources close to the emeritus’s environment confirmed that, from Spain, he has been specifically asked to avoid any type of ostentation that could generate controversy, especially in a context in which his figure continues to be the subject of public and media debate. The request comes after a year marked by new scandals and revelations about his personal and financial life, which have occupied covers and television talk shows, making Juan Carlos I an involuntary protagonist today.
The last year has been particularly difficult for Juan Carlos I. Photographs and audios that delve into his extramarital relationship with Bárbara Rey have once again put his private life in the spotlight, and the news of an autobiography that, according to what he leaked, he was going to publish, It ended up being aborted because it was considered untimely. Furthermore, the existence of a new foundation in Abu Dhabi, presumably to manage his fortune and inheritance, linked to his name and presumably with considerable assets behind it, has once again questioned the transparency of his activities despite the fact that the Prosecutor’s Office filed the investigations. investigations related to his fortune abroad.