Maria Patino revolutionized this Thursday, September 22, the set of Save me with what he was heard to say live. According to the presenter, a rumor is running through the corridors of Telecinco that Ana Maria Aldon could have “a new illusion”, still without resolving his marital crisis with Ortega Cano.
Also read: Ana María Aldón ignores Ortega Cano’s pleas and feeds her marital crisis on Telecinco
“Now being in the corridor I found out what you were muttering before going to advertising and I ask you as a person who runs this program, why don’t you tell me that Ana María Aldón has a new illusion with normality?” the Galician journalist asked Jorge Javier Vazquez.
Before his question, the one from Badalona, with a very serious face, corrected his partner: “No, they are not talking about a new illusion, they are talking about an alleged lover.”
“And can you tell me, I know how delicate the subject is, I don’t know if it’s alleged or not. But I don’t understand that something that seems to be a rumor and everyone knew it and I had no idea. If there is an alleged new illusion, why hasn’t it been told until now?” Patiño insisted.
At that moment, all eyes (and spotlights) were on Jose Antonio Avilesfriend and ex-partner of the bullfighter’s wife in Live life. However, Avilés clarified that to speak of a “new illusion” it would have to have lasted over time. Implying that this alleged romance of the designer and another man would already be broken. However, he threw a question into the air: “What happened in El Rocío for Ortega to leave there?”
The truth is that the truce in the marriage of Ortega and Ana María does not seem to be close. She told a few days ago Is summer that they sleep in separate beds and that, when they coincide under the same roof, they avoid looks and words. In fact, she revealed that throughout the summer they had not made plans together with his son José María, but each one went out with the little one separately. Is the definitive separation approaching or is the crisis fueled? for the offers they both have for a docudrama?