These are the requirements to be able to retire early from the age of 62

With the conceived idea that in most professions retirement comes with a certain age set by law, in 2021 at 66 years, however there are certain formulas by which to anticipate this retirement. Very marked from the previous four yearsTo be able to ‘hang up the boots’ at 62 years of age, a series of conditions are necessary.

Rest after a lifetime dedicated to work is the desire most longed for by most workers who are over 60 years old. A situation that is many times takes longer than expected and so it can be anticipated even if it comes with the worst of labor ills.

One involuntary termination, that is to say, a dismissal, is the main cause to be able to retire early from the age of 62. Going directly to unemployment with an advanced age that facilitates this mechanism since after certain years it is difficult to gain a foothold in the labor market.

However, termination is not the only cause of early retirement four years before, but a series of conditions must be met both by age and by work reasons:

Continuing with the reason for the dismissal, in order to qualify for early retirement this must be for a “business restructuring“In other words, the departure must be due to a collective or objective dismissal for economic, technical, organizational or production reasons, a termination of the contract by judicial resolution or due to the existence of a cause of force majeure (death, disability or retirement of the individual entrepreneur).

Furthermore, the requirement of minimum contribution must exceed 33 years, of which two must have occurred in the last 15 years. A condition that for agricultural workers is six of the last ten years.

Finally, the early retiree must have been job seeker during the six months after the dismissal.

Once all these conditions are met, the claimant will see his pension reduced (like any early retirement) for which they will be applied reducing coefficients according to the years worked (between 1.875% and 1.5%).

These are the early retirements most favored by the ‘Escrivá reform’
